Break In 2 - How To Obtain The Golden Armor

Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by Nivenka Stanton | Published: January 10, 2024 Join a server with 11 other people to…

143  times read published  03/16/2024

Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by Nivenka Stanton | Published: January 10, 2024

Join a server with 11 other people to play the story game Break In 2 on ROBLOX.

Your goal is to make it out safe. Even though it’s not a scary game, the fierce fights will make your heart race.

The settings for Break In 2 are very similar to those for the first game, so it will be easy for you to get used to them.

But the story in this version of the game is different, and you might want to know how to finish it.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

Getting Started

You and the other players will have to go along the road and find the cover when you first start.

As you get there, it will start to rain, and rocks will start to fall. You will have to avoid some of them.

There is a breaker on the right side of the shelter that you can use to turn the power back on when you first walk in.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

Before you dig into the Break In 2 – How To Obtain The Golden Armor article below, take a moment to explore our other game guide articles.

Strength Training

When you turn the power back on, the story will begin. Then, go up the stairs and turn right to get to the gym.

If you want to get bigger, you will need to do strength training. It is recommended that you use an auto clicker to make the process easier for you.

Uncle Pete

After you finish your strength training, you’ll want to help rescue Uncle Pete. You will be able to locate him imprisoned in a cage if you climb up the stairs to the left.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

In the kitchen, you will be able to find the key to help him get out of the drawers. He will then give you a few tasks that give you a lot of prizes upon success.

Golden Armor in Break In 2

Now, getting the golden armor in Break In 2 is a pretty important job – especially if you want to beat the game with ease.

The purpose of Break In 2 is to earn enough Strength and Speed to let you save every NPC throughout all 3 rounds.

During these waves, you will be attacked by swarms of Minions, followed by an epic boss encounter against Scary Mary.

Training at the Gym

So, how do you gain armor? It’s pretty easy, but it can be time-consuming if your Strength stat is only at level 1 now.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

Firstly, you must head to the Gym area and train there! Lift weights until you hit Strength level 4 – yes, this is as easy as it sounds, but it’s quite boring.

You can use different supplies and items to speed this up if you wish to do so.

As your character’s Strength stat grows, this also raises your Weapon Strength, allowing you to beat enemies more effectively.

Conquering the Battle Challenge

Next, you’ll need to walk over to the location that is opposite to where the Gym is – it’s the place with the bright red map!

Once you get to this place, you’ll have to beat all of the opponents on the mat.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

With your Strength stat being level 4 now, this shouldn’t be too tough – especially if other players are taking part in the task too.

Opening the Door

Once you’ve beaten all of the baddies on the red mat, you can head to the door by the mat – it’s got 4 padlocks on it!

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

Break the door with your armed weapon and head inside the room. You can then open the vault to receive the Golden Armor!

Also Read: Multiverse Defenders Beginners Guide

Pizza Man’s Fight

Like in the original version of Break In, you’ll need to beat the Pizza Man. The same rules apply: Attack him whenever he is tired.

Your best way of beating this NPC will be running away from him until he stops turning. Then, hit him when he goes into a drowsy state.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

On beating the NPC, you will see a golden pizza box on the table. Each piece of pizza will give you a big chunk of life.

If you accidentally got your life bar low after the fight, this is a great way for you to recover and continue playing.

Boss Fight

During the first stages of the boss fight, she will spawn several monsters which you will be able to beat quite quickly.

Next, there will be a spot that’s going to be marked in red. You will want to avoid that place and you will be able to dodge the fire.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

After that, the boss will appear and you will need to dodge her charges. Before she makes any strikes, you will see the signs that tell you the effect area.

You will want to pay close attention and respond to dodge these hits.

When she stops striking, she will be stunned for a short period. During this time, you and your friends will need to hit her on her back to turn the key there.

Then, repeat the steps and you will be able to defeat her after all of her 3 hearts are gone.

Break in 2

Photo: Roblox

Final Thoughts

Break In 2 on Roblox offers an exciting story within its engaging gaming.

Navigating the story, from the initial challenges of handling rain and avoiding falling rocks to the strategy elements of strength training and saving Uncle Pete, each part adds to a rich game experience.

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