How To Change Weapons In Monster Hunter Now

With so many beasts unleashed upon the world, you’ll need every weapon available to slay all the gargantuan creatures ro…

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With so many beasts unleashed upon the world, you’ll need every weapon available to slay all the gargantuan creatures roaming in Monster Hunter Now.

That being said, swapping weapons around isn’t as straightforward as it’s always been in other Monster Hunter titles, so here’s what you need to know to change your armaments proactively in-game.

Monster-Slaying Side Gig

Real-time area map in Monster Hunter Now.

Photo: Niantic, Inc.

In Monster Hunter Now, many of the franchise’s iconic creatures make their appearance. You’ll encounter the deadly Rathalos, relentless Diablos, or fiery Tobi-Kadachi at actual locations in your area, compelling you to explore real-world places as well.

The game works just like Pokemon Go except you won’t be bringing pets into battle (barring your trusty cat-like Palico). Instead, your best weapons are your life-saving assets, letting you slay gigantic monsters within a specified time limit.

The player and a Palico in Monster Hunter Now.

Photo: Niantic, Inc.

Quest lines do exist, but the game lets you progress however you want, meaning you’re free to play casually outside work or spend hours hunting creatures with your mates to farm monster materials for upgrades.

Still, you don’t get to use every weapon straight from the get-go because many of them are locked behind in-game progression.

So, if you’ve been itching to switch to the long-range Bow or Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Now, you’ll need to know when they’re unlocked and usable in the game.

How To Change Weapons In Monster Hunter Now

Different weapons lined-up in Monster Hunter Now.

Photo: Niantic, Inc.

Throughout the entire Monster Hunter Now series, you can choose up to eighteen different weapons depending on the game you’re playing. Unfortunately, Monster Hunter Now only offers eight, but this might be expanded upon in due time.

To change your weapon (or any other gear), you simply:

  • Press your current weapon’s icon located near the bottom of the gameplay screen (next to your character’s image).
  • Select your preferred weapon to use among those you’ve crafted/ obtained.
  • Click “Equip”, shown around the middle-bottom section of the weapon’s associated screen.

It’s that easy, and you even visit the same sections when upgrading the said weapons or armor too. However, the actual ‘challenge’ pertains to unlocking those extra weapons in-game, so here’s a quick rundown on how to do so.

Unlocking All Weapons

The player attacking a Kulu-Ya-Ku using a Greatsword in Monster Hunter Now.

Photo: Niantic, Inc.

In the beginning, you’re automatically given the Sword And Shield (SS) as your primary weapon. This remains the same for a significant portion of your early-game playthrough.

To obtain the other seven weapons (as of the time of writing), each is accessed by:

  • Greatsword (GS), Lance, Dual Blades (DB)
    • Completing Chapter 2: Shimmering Swamp‘s quest line
  • Long Sword (LS), Hammer, Light Bowgun (LB), Bow
    • Completing Part 1 tasks for Chapter 3: Lurker of the Forest

1-Star Kulu-Ya-Ku defeated in Monster Hunter Now.

Photo: Niantic, Inc.

While not specified, your Hunter Rank (HR) also soft locks you from acquiring the weapons unless you’ve leveled enough.

To be safe, complete the Prologue by reaching HR 11 before starting on Chapter 2, and grind up to HR 15 before engaging Chapter 3.

Admittedly, it’s kind of a bummer to not be able to play all weapons immediately, but it’s good to know that reaching HR 15 and completing Chapter 3 isn’t much of a hassle (still a grind, though).

Fighting a Pukei-Pukei head-on in Monster Hunter Now.

Photo: Niantic, Inc.


Niantic‘s been busy with a host of new projects, but Monster Hunter Now continues to be amongst its most ambitious ones yet. So, don’t be surprised to see even more incredible weapons get introduced soon, like the fan-favorite Insect Glaive or badass Charge Blade!

While you’re here, make sure to check out our guide on upgrading weapons or performing special skills too. If you also have something to share, make sure to write it down in the comment section below.

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